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All About Reiki Healing

Any Reiki channel can give you a Reiki healing. Reiki Healing could be of two types: Hands-on, and distant.

The hands-on healing is like touch healing, where the palms of the healer are held 3-5 inches away from your body. The healer heals the patient at various points on the patient's body, called 'chakras'. When more than one healer is involved in the healing, it is called group healing, and it is much more powerful.

Distant healing can be done at any time and place, and the patient does not have to be near the healer - he can be in any part of the world. For this process, healers usually ask for certain details of the patient, like name, age, photograph, etc, to aid them in healing. Distant healing is as powerful as hands-on healing.

Charge and Duration

Reiki Healing is rarely given free, as most practitioners believe that free goods are not valued. Reiki charges vary from healer to healer, and from place to place. Some healers also conduct free healing camps occasionally.

The duration of a Reiki treatment depends on the magnitude of the problem. For small problems like common colds, fever, sinusitis, etc, between 4 to 7 days is recommended. For long standing or chronic problems like skin diseases, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc, a minimum of 21 days healing is suggested, and if needed, another 21 days of healing after 3 months.

How can a Reiki healing help me?

Reiki healing provides you with energy, so that you can deal with the negative forces within and around your being.

Several people have benefitted tremendously with Reiki. Ailments like common cold, sinusitis, muscular pain, arthritis, diabetes, sciatica, and even diseases like cancer and AIDS have at times been cured. To read about the experiences our clients and students have had with Reiki, go to the Reiki Miracles page.

Apart from healing physically, Reiki also benefits the person emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Reiki can be sent to improve relationships with someone, for help in official/ legal matters, events such as marriages, parties, functions, and other such things.

A Reiki healer simply provides you with the energy to help you, but it is ultimately upto you to help yourself. If you subconsciously do not want to heal, nothing can help, not even Reiki. For this reason, no healer promises or guarantees results to a patient.

How Do I Go About Getting a Reiki Healing?

You may contact us to fix an appointment for Reiki healing.

Or, you could choose to check our list of reiki healers in bangalore to see the list of our students who do part-time Reiki healing.

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