What is Reiki? (And can it help with Covid-19?)

How would you describe Reiki to someone who has no idea about it?
Just like we can look at something that exists from the perspective of physics, chemistry or biology, and come up with a different understanding from each perspective while all of them still being right, we can also look at the problems we experience from the perspective of the physical body, the mind and the energy field.
We can find thousands of stories of ‘mind over matter, where people have healed from fatal illnesses through sheer will-power. We may have experienced in our own lives, a significant and unexpected improvement in an illness upon receiving some great news or being visited by someone special.
One unexplored aspect of illnesses is the realm of energy. From the perspective of Quantum physics, everything is ultimately vibration. Illness is simply something that happens when we are stuck in the wrong vibration. And Reiki is a simple process where we practice ‘tuning up’ our bodies everyday in order to achieve better stability in body and life.
How could it help an individual become immune to Covid-19 or at least boost immunity?
There is tremendous anecdotal evidence to show that Reiki helps people boost their immunity and significantly reduces both the frequency as well as intensity of flus and common colds. It also helps with breathing problems and has helped people heal from long term asthma. Regular practice can improve health significantly and help the body stay much healthier.
What Reiki practices can help with Covid-19 and even otherwise?
Reiki is a very simple practice which can be learned in one day and is then to be practiced daily for about half an hour on one’s own. A daily self-healing practice is ideal for boosted immunity. For the short term, one may ask a healer to help a sick one with Reiki healing for help with recovery from a disease.
What do you want people to know about Reiki?
That belief is not needed, only an open mind is enough. Several skeptics benefit from Reiki, and we’ve also seen improvements in people who had no idea that they were receiving healing.
There is plenty in the world that we do not understand, and certainly the realm of healing and recovery is something that is very poorly understood even by the medical industry. If something could heal you without any side-effect causing drugs, if something has been healing millions of people and helping people reduce hospital visits and medication – would you be better off giving it a shot with an open mind, or would you prefer to just question the intelligence of everyone who benefits? Would that be an intelligent thing to do?

Author of ‘Healing Through Reiki’, Ashwita learned Reiki in 1997, and started teaching it in 2006. She now incorporates other forms of energy healing, as well as hypnotherapy and past life therapy in her work. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, crafts, reading and painting.
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I’m glad that I got in touch with this wonderful system, Reiki. It had helped me maintain my overall well-being and helped me maintain a balance of life. Thank you for teaching us about the benefits of Reiki through your blogs.
It is good for people to know more about Reiki and its applications for health.