Understanding Dreams

A friend of mine does the best dream analysis that I’ve come across, and this was originally meant as my way of sharing what I knew, with him. But as I wrote on, I thought there was so much information that I’d like to also put it up here. So here’s what I’ve learned over time about the various kinds of dreams –
Trash Dreams
These are purging dreams where the mind mixes up various elements of the day and makes a mash out of them. Like you might have seen a little Eiffel tower in someone’s show case and you dream that you are going to Paris – little things that trigger a subconscious journey which we are not aware of, come out as trash dreams. They can however, often be analysed because the way they are put together might carry some significance. Usually the stuff inspired by the elements of the day hold no meaning – like Paris in this case means nothing, but if you found yourself eating mud there then that would mean something.
Back and Forth dreams
People can go back and forth in time or space. They might dream of the past or the future, or go back and forth in space, visiting a different city or someone’s house. Usually such dreams are not remembered, and experienced as Deja vu at some point in the future. When someone says ‘I’ve been here before’ it’s likely because they actually have, while sleeping.
Past life recalls also fall into this category and if such a dream is repetitive, it might help to get some therapy to resolve whatever is stuck in that dream. A past life recall dream will hardly have any changes and is likely to be the same every time. It frequently includes death, as death is often the most powerful moment in a past life.
Astral dreams
1) Flying Dreams – One common astral dream is flying (it is more like jumping up and taking huge huge leaps) – this indicates the person is capable of moving astrally, however I have seen that if there are grounding problems, then the coming back to the ground part can be scary. So if there is fear in any part of their floating up or coming down, it indicates their relationship with astral journeys or with grounding. The more grounded I became the lesser the height was – earlier I would go above rooftops, and towards the end I was flying just 2 feet above the ground. Coming down was not scary anymore. Once I became a lot more grounded I would get occasional high-flying dreams.
2) Proper Astral Travel Dreams – These cannot be analysed for the most part. They are when you have gone to another realm, in my experience I have mostly witnessed these as learning dreams where I am attending classes and cannot remember the words at all. If people remember seeing the other person speak but it is like the dream is muted and they cannot remember a single word even though ‘it made so much sense at the time and I told myself I will remember it’ then it is almost certainly a dream where they were learning something in the other planes. Some teach also, although I haven’t had any teaching dreams. People may also visit other realms but this is very rare to remember I think.
Sometimes a dream might simply be an indication that the person was with someone in the astral plane. Such dreams might involve a group of known people simply spending time together in some location. Sometimes upon speaking with the others in the dream, they also might have dreamt of being together in some other way.
Sometimes people might wake up in their etheric body instead of their physical body and might have trouble moving their body. This is not a dream, simply an occasional aberration.
Representative Dreams
These dreams are the best to analyse and give a very clear picture about where we are at in life. They are metaphorical, and studying them can help us understand where we are headed in the short term. For instance, someone going through a lot of emotional upheavals – or preparing for a phase of emotional upheavals might dream of floods. Whether this was scary or fine would indicate how they view this upcoming phase.
People might dream of death and loss – very good dreams indicating inner transformation and the death of our old ‘selves’. Some people I know have repetitive nightmares where they are being chased or hunted – typical subconscious reactions to being in abusive relationships. The theme of repetitive representative dreams can sometimes be consistent based on the life situation, but the details change every time. With self-work and healing, the details shift to indicate the transformation.
Premonitory Dreams
These are relatively rare and if they are frequent I would see it as a sign that the person having these dreams is significantly ‘unconscious’ in their waking state and that the only way the inner guidance is able to reach them is through dreams. So a little more intense self-work combined with being more open to life, will be a good idea.
Clear Guidance
These are usually from deceased relatives and are clear and concise guidance or calls for help/ action. It is best to take action on these and if action is not clearly indicated, request for clearer guidance. Occasionally they can be from one’s spirit guides, but those are relatively rare and if they are frequent I would see it as a sign that the person having these dreams is significantly ‘unconscious’ in their waking state and that the only way the inner guidance is able to reach them is through dreams. So a little more intense self-work combined with being more open to life, will be a good idea.
Important to remember that no dream coming from higher realms will be ambiguous or vague. They are always clear and the action plan indicated is clear and concise. If it is vague and confusing, then it is likely the next category.
Interference by Spirits
Sometimes negative energies nearby interfere with our field and influence our sleeping states. This can happen in a variety of ways. Dreams which seem like guidance is being given by deceased relatives or favourite Gods, but where the guidance/ action plan is absent altogether, vague or encourages you to ‘chase’ something rather than get liberated and rely on yourself, are influences from nearby negative energies and indicate that a strong cleansing is needed.
Dreams could also involve night terrors where someone wakes up with a weight on their chest, sometimes as if someone is sitting on them, they might see or feel the presence of someone else in the room, etc. Sexual dreams are also usually a sign of interference from these energies and a thorough cleansing will clear out these dreams.

Author of ‘Healing Through Reiki’, Ashwita learned Reiki in 1997, and started teaching it in 2006. She now incorporates other forms of energy healing, as well as hypnotherapy and past life therapy in her work. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, crafts, reading and painting.
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An amazing read. Thank You for the article. Very informative and eye-opening.