Extra Sensory Perception: Do You Have Any of These?

When we practice Reiki regularly, we start to develop a much deeper self-awareness. Overtime, this allows us to get in touch with extra-sensory information, i.e. information that lies beyond the purview of our five senses.
Sixth Sense?
Firstly, every common person has 6 senses, not 5 – there are the 5 senses, sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, but there’s also a sense of knowing, like when you see someone’s face and just know something is wrong, even though nothing in the scene is indicating it. So I don’t consider a sixth sense anything special, in my eyes one can end up having almost 12 ways of perceiving!
Psychic senses are of 6 types
This is where people can see things that others cannot see. This perception can happen in a variety of ways depending on the strength of the ability. For instance, someone might see flashes – like maybe sitting in front of a person and seeing an image of their little version crouching behind a bed, instantly knowing that they experienced child abuse which scarred them. Such flashes are common while healing. Others might see things in more detail. Yet others can see with their eyes if they pay attention, a variety of colors and other information when they look at a person.
People might be able to also do remote viewing; that is see the clothes or surroundings of a person, they might be able to locate lost objects, or even see glimpses of the future. The possibilities are many.
People with this ability can hear things. Most hear them as thoughts, and this allows for things like telepathy, mediumship, channeling, and in extreme cases even speaking another language. During healing it can manifest as hearing a message for the client, or about the client, or a phrase the client often repeats in their mind. When experiencing psychic attacks, people will often hear voices as well. Usually when people are hearing voices quite clearly, even if it seems like a divine being, in most cases it is usually just a rogue entity masquerading as a favourite deity. Divinity creates space for silence and peace and will rarely come uninvited.
This is the ability to sense touch. I have witnessed people being able to share in real time what another person is imagining in their minds, like stroking their hair for instance, or indicate whether or not a person has a stubble by ‘touching’ their chin in their minds. Auto-writing comes in this domain. Healers might feel a client’s blocks, pain or tension in their own body while healing.
People with a heightened sense of clairsentience can even move or bend objects or teleport, though I haven’t met anyone who can truly do this until now. This is also the most common sense of perceiving disembodied spirits – most people have their hair stand on end, goose bumps, feel cold, etc.
Most good teachers have this ability, saying things they don’t even know. One blurts out things one isn’t even aware of, and in this process often answers questions they’ve been thinking about for a long time even. It is an exciting thing to experience every time it happens.
People with no theoretical knowledge of face reading but who are claircognizant, can tell you a lot about a person simply by looking at their face or photograph. This is also very common among many people as the sense of foreboding, knowing that something is about to go wrong or something is going to happen. Or meeting someone and just having a feeling that they are a liar, these are the simpler, more commonplace ways in which it manifests.
Perceiving Smells
One of the rarer abilities is to smell things that aren’t physically present. One might, for instance, see a picture of a dish and smell it. More commonly this manifests as the perception of other-worldly energies. Negative energies carry a garbage dump sort of smell with them, and when supportive guides and divine energies are present in the room, one may perceive the smell of flowers or sandalwood.
Perceiving Taste
This one is the rarest, but it does happen. Similar to the above, it involves tasting something while maybe reading or hearing about it. At times one experiences a sweet taste during meditation as well.
The Important Thing Is
Not all perception can be trusted. Just like we can hear something but gather completely wrong information, and this can take us years to wrap our heads around. Not everything you perceive is the truth. We lie to ourselves even while using our concrete, clear 5 senses, and the others are abstract and vague – for sure we lie to ourselves the same when we use these as well.
Much of perceived ‘divine guidance’ is often just the mind tricking us. I have even seen people manifest clear and unusual external signs for things that eventually never worked out, for example a man wanting to buy a rare car seeing it everywhere, a woman seeing double rainbows when she met someone she wanted to marry, etc – and things didn’t actually work out at all.
It takes most people many years to learn this lesson, usually the hard, painful way. It was well over 10 years for me before I came to this realisation too, and even then it was due to the help of someone who truly knew. So, the faster we learn this, the faster our perception clarifies, and we are able to use our additional senses in a grounded and healthy manner that purely add value to our lives. Read more about how to differentiate between authentic and inauthentic information over here.